From 28 to 30 of May in Bruxelles, in the rapresentative offices of Nouvelle-Aquitaine to the European Union, take place the 4th General Meeting for all the consortium involved in Nature4cities H2020 Project.
Master's graduate in Marketing Management, Marketing e Strategy alla Bologna Business School. Esperto in indicatori di sostenibilità aziendale, in Colouree ricopre responsabilità di Marketing Analyst e di Comunicazione.
Nature4cities is a European Commission H2020 funded project, creating a comprehensive platform for Nature Based Solution, offering technical solutions, methods and tools to empower urban planning decision making.
This will help addressing contemporary environmental, social and economical challenges that face European Cities.
Nature4cities aims to offer effective knowledge and solutions to re-naturing cities: knowledge diffusion and decision support platform through new collaborative models.
Visit the official website of the project:
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